Alexander Hauser
Alexander Hauser, M. Sc.
Ehemaliger wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
- 2011 – 2018: Studium Energietechnik (M.Sc.), FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg
- 03/2018 – 01/2023: wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am EVT
- Methanisierung
- Dettori, S.; Matino, I.; Iannino, V.; Colla, V.; Hauser, A.; Wolf-Zöllner, P.; Haag, S.: Optimizing methane and methanol production from integrated steelworks process off-gases through economic hybrid model predictive control. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 2022, 55(2), 66-71.
- Heracleous, E.; Koidi, V.; Lappas, A. A.; Hauser, A.; Haag, S.: Valorization of steel-work off-gases: Influence of impurities on the performance of Cu-based methanol synthesis catalyst. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 444.
- Hauser, A.; Neubert, M.; Feldner, A.; Horn, A.; Grimm, F.; Karl, J.: Design and Implementation of an Additively Manufactured Reactor Concept for the Catalytic Methanation. Applied Sciences, 2022, 12(18), 9393.
- Hauser, A.; Wolf-Zoellner, P.; Haag, S.; Dettori, S.; Tang, X.; Mighani, M.; Matino, I.; Mocci, C.; Colla, V.; Kolb, S.; Bampaou, M.; Panopoulos, K.; Kieberger, N.; Rechberger, K.; Karl J.: Valorizing Steelworks Gases by Coupling Novel Methane and Methanol Synthesis Reactors with an Economic Hybrid Model Predictive Controller. Metals, 2022, 12(6).
- Matino, I.; Dettori, S.; Zaccara, A.; Petrucciani, A.; Iannino, V.; Colla, V.; Bampaou, M.; Panopoulos, K.; Rechberger, K.; Kolb, S.; Hauser, A.; Wolf-Zöllner, P.; Haag, S.; Kieberger, N.; Rompalski, P.: Hydrogen role in the valorization of integrated steelworks process off-gases through methane and methanol syntheses. Materiaux et Techniques, 2021, 109.
- Hauser, A.; Weitzer, M.; Gunsch, S.; Neubert, M.; Karl, J.: Dynamic hydrogen-intensified methanation of synthetic by-product gases from seelworks. Fuel Process. Technol., 2021, 217, 106701.
- Neubert, M.; Hauser, A.; Pourhossein, B.; Dillig, M.; Karl, J.: Experimental evaluation of a heat pipe cooled structured reactor as part of a two-stage catalytic methanation process in power-to-gas applications. Appl. Energy, 2018, 229, 289-298.